With the wave of CBD products hitting the market, it’s easy to see why people are curious about the benefits of CBD. Seemingly overnight, the marketing of these products has put them at the forefront of the cannabis industry, and everyone is trying to get in on the action.
But what about the benefits?
We’ve all seen the flashy brands with their excellent packaging, but what does CBD do for the body?
As startups pop up and entrepreneurs promote their products, knowing how CBD will benefit the user is essential to understanding whether or not it’s right for you. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of CBD in all their glory, touching upon precisely what you can expect when you’re vaping CBD.
CBD Helps With Digestion
Nutrition is helpful to the body, and when you’re trying to stay healthy or heal, a healthy appetite is necessary. Illness adversely impacts appetite, resulting in the body having a difficult time healing.
According to the National Cancer Institute, CBD acts as an appetite stimulator. When CBD binds to the body’s cannabinoid receptors, they stimulate hunger. Researchers conclude that these receptors assist in regulating appetite. In essence, the CBD attaches to these receptors, stimulating one’s appetite in the process.
With this in mind, CBD is also helpful when treating nausea. Patients find this highly helpful when it comes to chemotherapy administration and the intense side effects that come with treatments for other diseases.
CBD Offers Relief From Anxiety
Severe anxiety plagues many peoples’ lives. Fortunately, CBD can help.
Some people consuming CBD find that it eases their social anxiety. While cannabis consumption is commonly known for increasing feelings of anxiety, the cannabinoid responsible is usually THC. With higher levels of CBD, people are finding the relief they seek.
In a 2011 study, researchers analyzed the impact CBD has on people who have Social Anxiety Disorder. The group was made up of 24 people who have this condition who had never been given treatment. Then, they divided the participants into two groups of 12.
One of the groups was given 600mg of CBD. However, the other group received a placebo. After taking the CBD, the groups both took a stimulated public speaking test. During this test, the scientists measured their heart rate, blood pressure, and other indicators of psychological and physiological stress.
The group that was given the CBD displayed a reduction in cognitive impairment, discomfort, and anxiety during their speech. Those who had been given the placebo displayed significantly worse symptoms. Thus, showing that CBD can relieve problems associated with anxiety.
CBD Works As An Antipsychotic
For those dealing with psychotic symptoms, CBD can help. Schizophrenia impacts around 2.4 million adults residing in the United States. With this being the case, the research done by the University of Cologne in Germany shows CBD is capable of relieving the symptoms of this disease.
The study was a double-blind, mono-centered, randomized, parallel-group, controlled clinical trial approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Cologne and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Products. These researchers gave CBD to the patients for 28 days to see if the administration would improve their psychotic symptoms.
The patients receiving CBD had significant clinical improvement. Thus, the results display how CBD can improve psychotic symptoms when used as the standard antipsychotic amisulpride.
CBD Has Anti-Tumor Effects
In a study conducted by California Pacific Medical Center, CBD can help with suppressing the spread of cancer. During this study, the cannabinoid was used to effectively “turn off” the gene responsible for the spread of breast cancer. Throughout this analysis, the researchers noticed CBD inhibits ID-1. With this being the case, cancer cells cannot travel throughout the body to distant tissues, preventing it from spreading.
Other studies show that CBD could protect the body from developing specific kinds of tumors. It could even induce tumor cell death, control and inhibit the spread of cancer cells, and prevent cancer cell growth.
During test-tube animal studies, CBD is also exhibiting anticancer properties. In one test-tube study, the scientists proved that with concentrated CBD, they could kill human breast cancer cells with it. While this test tube study was promising, it just suggests CBD might help people combat cancer cells. They still need to conduct more studies to determine whether or not it actually works.
CBD Relieves Pain
Cannabis has been treating patients’ pain for thousands of years. But even now, scientists are discovering that specific cannabinoids, including but not limited to CBD, relieve pain.
The endocannabinoid system, (ECS) regulates a plethora of bodily functions. These include appetite, pain, immune system response, sleep, and more.
The body naturally produces endocannabinoids. These are neurotransmitters that attach themselves to cannabinoid receptors found in the nervous system. Some studiesexhibit that CBD impacts the endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing chronic pain in the process. They effectively reduce inflammation as they interact with these neurotransmitters.
Both through human and rat studies, we’ve seen CBD’s efficacy in relieving pain. In one of the rat studies, CBD injections were used to radically reduce pain. Another rat study showed oral CBD treatment helps with sciatic nerve pain and inflammation.
Human studies show that CBD and THC together help with treating pain associated with arthritis and multiple sclerosis. This study analyzed 47 patients treated with Sativex for a month. During the study, the patients receiving the CBD medication had improvements in their muscle spasms, walking, and overall pain while the placebo group did not.
CBD Could Have Neuroprotective Properties
CBD could help protect the brain from neurological disorders by impacting the endocannabinoid system, as well as other brain signaling systems. With this in mind, one of the treatment opportunities that’s receiving the most attention is how CBD can treat neurological disorders including — but not limited to — epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.
Studies on Sativex, an oral spray combining CBD and THC, are quite promising. They show that it’s not only safe but effective at reducing muscle spasticity in those suffering from multiple sclerosis. In fact, one study shows a massive reduction of 75% of spasms in patients who had spasms resisting other medications.
While more research regarding the benefits of CBD is essential, the current studies show how much this cannabinoid can help people. With so many symptoms treatable with CBD, it’s only a matter of time before we begin seeing even more breakthroughs in CBD vaping treatments.